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Photoperiod Regulates vgf-Derived Peptide Processing in Siberian Hamsters

Fig 4

Localization of NERP-1, TPGH, and TLQP peptides in the hamster brain.

Coronal sections are at the levels of (top to bottom) the preoptic area (a, b, c), supraoptic region (d, e, f, g), median eminence (ME, h, i, j) and arcuate nucleus (k, m, l, n). Cell bodies of the cortex were immunoreactive for NERP-1 peptides (a), this was also present in axons and nerve terminals of the MPN (b) while the TPGH peptides were present in small axons of MNP (c). In the supraoptic region, TLQP peptides were found in perikarya of the SCN (d, e: low and high magnitude, respectively), and NERP-1 peptides in a few cell bodies of the Pa (f) and SON (g). In the ME: the internal layer was more intensively stained than the external with NERP-1 (h) and TPGH (i) antisera, while TLQP peptides were more intensively labelled in the external layer (j). In the arcuate nucleus containing section, small perikarya, axons and nerve terminals were stained by the TPGH (k) and TLQP antisera (l: axons only), while TPGH antiserum labelled a few cell bodies and axons within the LH (m) as well as in amygdaloid nuclei (n). Scale bars: a, e, m: 100 μm; b, k, l: 100 μm; c, d, g, h, i, j, n: 100 μm.

Fig 4
