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Photoperiod Regulates vgf-Derived Peptide Processing in Siberian Hamsters

Fig 2

VGF peptides abundance as detected by ELISA.

Values are group mean ± SEM. The short day (SD) produced a reduction in the VGF peptide levels that regards almost all the peptides in the cortex, NERP-1 and TPGH in the hypothalamus, and TPGH in the pituitary. [*p < 0.05, **p < 0.0005 vs long day (LD)]. N-terminus: p** = 0.0003; NERP-1:**p = 0.0003 and *p = 0.04; TPGH: **p = 0.0004, *p = 0.02; TLQP: *p = 0.008; C-terminus: *p = 0.01 in the cortex and 0.04 in the hypothalamus.

Fig 2
