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The Progressive BSSG Rat Model of Parkinson's: Recapitulating Multiple Key Features of the Human Disease

Fig 4

BSSG intoxication impairs spatial working memory.

At 10 months following initiation of BSSG exposure, animals displayed significant impairment in both (A) reference and (B) working spatial memory, as assessed by their performance in a radial arm maze. Reference memory errors were defined as entries into arms that were never baited. Working memory errors were defined as entries into previously visited arms. Each point represents the mean (± S.E.M., n = 18–20) number of errors. (C) Spontaneous alternation in a T-maze was also impaired 10 months following initial BSSG exposure, as compared to controls. However, no such deficit was yet apparent at 4 months. ** sig. diff. from sham control, p< 0.001; * p<0.05.

Fig 4
