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Transcriptomic and Epigenetic Profiling of the Lung of Influenza-Infected Pigs: A Comparison of Different Birth Weight and Susceptibility Groups

Fig 3

Enrichment of a Type I Interferon Gene Set in SUS Pigs.

Enrichment result for the ‘Reactome Interferon Alpha Beta Signaling’ gene set from the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis of transcriptional data from pigs that are susceptible (SUS) or resistant (RES) to influenza pathology. (A) Enrichment plot used to calculate the enrichment score for that gene set. The score is calculated by walking down a list of genes ranked by their correlation with the LBW phenotype, increasing a running-sum statistic when a gene in that gene set is encountered (each black vertical line underneath the enrichment plot) and decreasing it when a gene that isn’t in the gene set is encountered. The enrichment score is the maximum deviation from zero encountered in the walk. (B) Heat map of correlation values for all individual genes within the gene set. Color and shade indicate direction and magnitude of correlation; red indicates positive correlation with SUS (negative correlation with RES) and blue indicates negative correlation with SUS (positive correlation with RES). Darker shades correspond to correlation values of greater magnitude. Those genes that contribute most to the enrichment score, the leading edge subset of genes, are outlined by a box in both the enrichment plot and the heatmap.

Fig 3
