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Corticospinal Tract Tracing in the Marmoset with a Clinical Whole-Body 3T Scanner Using Manganese-Enhanced MRI

Fig 3

Statistical parametric maps of manganese in seven marmosets.

Statistical parametric maps of manganese after injection (blue point) in the primary motor cortex (M1) of seven marmosets (p<0.005 uncorrected). A: Semitransparent three-dimensional MnCl2 maps on the single brain template [32]. Animals were imaged 24h after 8nmol MnCl2 injection. MnCl2 induced hyper intensity on brain T1-weighted images. C-G: coronal views. H-L: Corresponding marmoset brain atlas in coronal view. The following structures are marked: M1 primary motor cortex, Cd: Caudate nucleus, Pu: putamen, GP: globus pallidus, ic: internal capsule, cp: cerebral peduncule and SN: subtantia nigra, the cingulum, the premotor cortex (Brodmann area 6c,d), the parietal cortex (Brodmann area 5), corpus callosum, corona radiata, thalamic nuclei (VL: ventral lateral thalamic nucleus, VPL: ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus, VPM: ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus, CM: central medial thalamic nucleus, RT: reticular thalamic nucleus). Colored lines indicate the cortico-caudate tract (orange), the corticospinal tract (green), the cortico-putaminal tract (blue), and the cortico-thalamic tract (purple).

Fig 3
