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Functional Impact of 14 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Causing Missense Mutations of Human α7 Nicotinic Receptor

Fig 2

Current responses of the wild type and mutant receptors to 3.16mM ACh or nicotine with non-injected oocyte controls.

A. 13 mutants and wild type control along with un-injected oocyte control (for nonfunctional mutants). The same amount of cRNAs for the wild type or mutant receptors was injected. On the 3rd post-injection day, the oocytes were tested with ACh (with 1 μM atropine) or nicotine. The name of each condition is indicated at the bottom of each bar. Each group had 8–18 oocytes from two sets of experiments. Asterisk (*, **, or ****) represents that the difference between the wild type and each mutant is statistically significant (P<0.05, P<0.01, or P<0.0001) in Tukey multiple comparison test of one-way ANOVA. ♦, ♦♦ or ♦♦♦♦ represent the statistical difference with P<0.05, P<0.01, or P<0.0001 between blank and each mutant. B. W55G mutant and its wild type control in a separate experiment (10 oocytes each group). ****: P<0.0001 with 2-sided grouped t-test.

Fig 2
