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Impact of the Regulators SigB, Rot, SarA and sarS on the Toxic Shock Tst Promoter and TSST-1 Expression in Staphylococcus aureus

Fig 3

The effect of RNAIII and rot disruption or overexpression on tst and TSST-1 in RN4282.

A. Quantitative qRT-PCR measurements of tst expression and setting RN4282 as 100%. Bars show +/- standard deviations. All data were compiled from three independent experiments. Statistical significance was evaluated by Student’s paired t test, and data were considered significant when P was <0.05. B. Western blot of TSST-1, using anti-TSST-1 polyclonal antibody after precipitation from supernatants of the indicated strains. In lane 4 and 5 both samples include xylose to discard effect of the latter on tst expression. The experiment shown is representative of several independent experiments.

Fig 3
