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Susceptibility of Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to Monkeypox Virus: A Low Dose Prospective Model for Monkeypox and Smallpox Disease

Fig 8

Gross pathological findings for monkeypox virus exposed marmosets.

A. Liver. Animal #14 (510 PFU group). The liver is enlarged and pale with diffuse, variably sized flat, tan lesions. B. Esophagus. Animal 12 (7.8 x 104 PFU group). Focal mucosal ulcer (arrow). C) Urinary bladder. Animal 4 (9.5 x 105 PFU group). Multifocal mucosal hemorrhages. D. Testis. Animal #1 (2.4 x 107 PFU group). Multifocal hemorrhage and necrosis.

Fig 8
