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Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant from MRL/MpJ Super-Healer Mice Does Not Improve Articular Cartilage Repair in the C57Bl/6 Strain

Fig 5

Progression of osteoarthritis in injured mouse knee joints.

A-D: Sagittal sections of mouse femurs stained with haematoxylin, fast green and Safranin-O 8 weeks after injury to the femoral cartilage. Scale bars = 500μm. A: B6 control. B: B6 chimera. C: MRL Control. D: MRL chimera. Arrows in A, B and D indicate regions of complete cartilage loss. Arrow in C indicates a region of reduced proteoglycan staining. Graph E shows whole joint mean OA scores 8 weeks after full thickness cartilage defect injury in B6 and MRL controls and chimeras. Max OA score = 6. Scoring was performed on sections lateral and medial to the defect area and away from ligament insertions. Medial tibial plateau (MTP), medial femoral condyle (MFC), lateral tibial plateau (LTP) and lateral femoral condyle (LFC). The lateral and medial femoral condyles in B6 chimeras showed significantly higher OA scores than any other group (p<0.01 for MFC and p<0.001 for LFC).

Fig 5
