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Augmented Endothelial-Specific L-Arginine Transport Blunts the Contribution of the Sympathetic Nervous System to Obesity Induced Hypertension in Mice

Fig 5

Responses to almond feeding stress in lean and obese mice.

Left and middle panels: Each symbol represents mean values averaged across a 30-s period. Dotted line represents the time point at which stress stimulus was applied to mice. Data are mean ± SEM. Right panel: Bar graphs represent absolute changes from baseline in MAP, HR and locomotor activity in response to 5-min feeding stress in mice fed a normal (open bars) or a high fat diet (closed bars). Data are mean difference ± SE of the difference (n = 5–7). * P < 0.05 for obese vs lean mice within the same genotype. # P < 0.01 for lean CAT+ mice vs lean WT mice. Abbreviations are as for Fig 2.

Fig 5
