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Ac2-26 Mimetic Peptide of Annexin A1 Inhibits Local and Systemic Inflammatory Processes Induced by Bothrops moojeni Venom and the Lys-49 Phospholipase A2 in a Rat Model

Fig 8

Model to summarize the effects of Ac2-26 treatment after either CV or MjTX-II induced peritonitis.

Local inflammation in the peritoneal exudate augments the number of neutrophils and the pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-1β and IL-6 (A). This inflammation is decreased after Ac2-26 treatment (B). In the mesentery, the inflammatory response promotes the influx of macrophages, and increases the number of neutrophils, degranulated mast cells and the levels of AnxA1 expression (C). The Ac2-26 treatment decreased the numbers of all the inflammatory cells (D). The systemic inflammation results in an increase of neutrophils in the bloodstream (E); these levels are restored after Ac2-26 post-treatment (F). In the kidney (G), MjTX-II augmented the infiltration by macrophages (H) and Ac2-26 prevented this influx (I). Histopathological analysis showed direct (casts) and indirect (pyknotic nuclei/karyolysis) effects of the envenoming (J), which were restored by the Ac2-26 treatment (K). Higher levels of AnxA1 were observed in the distal tubules and glomerular cells after the administration of either CV or MjTX-II (L), and these levels decreased with the anti-inflammatory treatment (M).

Fig 8
