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The Early-Onset Myocardial Infarction Associated PHACTR1 Gene Regulates Skeletal and Cardiac Alpha-Actin Gene Expression

Fig 1

Phactr1 mRNA and protein levels are reduced 1 day after experimental myocardial infarction (MI) in rats.

A) Phactr1 mRNA levels measured by RT-PCR and B) Phactr1 total protein levels analyzed by Western blot from the LV tissue samples 1 day, 2 weeks and 4 weeks after MI (n = 6–16). Open bars represent sham and solid bars MI **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 versus sham (Student’s t-test). C) Phactr1 and BNP mRNA levels in mechanically stretched neonatal ventricular myocytes in vitro. D) Phactr1 mRNA levels in response to p38 MAPK overexpression in neonatal ventricular myocytes in vitro (n = 5–9).*P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 versus control (Ctrl) or LacZ; ƗƗƗP<0.001 versus group at 4h (one-way ANOVA followed by least significance difference post hoc test). E) PHACTR1 total protein levels assessed by Western blot analyses from human heart samples (n = 2–4). **P<0.01 versus control hearts (Student’s t-test). The results are expressed as mean±SEM. Representative Western blots are shown.

Fig 1
