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Identification of Ganglioside GM3 Molecular Species in Human Serum Associated with Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome

Fig 6

The relative abundance of d18:1-h24:1 molecular species.

Percent of d18:1-h24:1 relative to d18:1–24:1 in GM3, sphingomyelin and ceramide in individuals with metabolic disease (A). The average amounts of d18:1-h24:1 (B) and the sum of the 12 most abundant molecular species (C) of GM3, sphingomyelin and ceramide in six microliters of human serum from individuals with metabolic disease. Data are reported as means ± SD. **** P ≤ 0.0001 sphingomyelin and ceramide vs. GM3; Mann-Whitney unpaired test.

Fig 6
