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Magnetic Resonance Assessment of Hypertrophic and Pseudo-Hypertrophic Changes in Lower Leg Muscles of Boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Their Relationship to Functional Measurements

Fig 3

Percent non-contractile content (NCC) in leg muscles of Ctrl and DMD in different age groups.

NCC of leg muscles of DMD at the age of >10 years was significantly different from 5–7.9 and 8–9.9 years age groups (denoted by #, p<0.05). NCC of TA, EDL, Per, MG, and SOL of DMD were significantly different than Ctrl in > 10 year age group (denoted by *, p<0.05). Additionally, only MG showed significant differences between DMD and Ctrl group at the age of 8–9.9 year. Data is presented as mean (SD).

Fig 3
