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Gene Silencing and Activation of Human Papillomavirus 18 Is Modulated by Sense Promoter Associated RNA in Bidirectionally Transcribed Long Control Region

Fig 1

Detection of pRNA at the LCR of HPV18 positive cell lines.

(A) Schematic representation of HPV18 LCR showing the position of four LCR specific primers. The flanking genes and the transcription start site (TSS) are also depicted. For the detection of pRNA across LCR, RNA was isolated from HeLa, C-4I and C4-II cells and subjected to RT-PCR using four sets of LCR specific overlapping primers P1, P2, P3 and P4. (B) Gel picture showing pRNA distribution across HeLa LCR. pRNA found at all the regions of LCR (C) pRNA presense at C-4 I LCR. pRNA was detected at P2 region only. (D) pRNA presense at C-4 II LCR. pRNA was detected at P2 and P4 regions of LCR. P1for P1rev: PCR performed with P1F and P1R primers, P2for P2rev: PCR performed with P2F and P2R primers, P3for P3rev: PCR performed with P3F and P3R primers, P4for P4rev: PCR performed with P4F and P4R primers. HeLa cDNA: HeLa cDNA used as positive PCR Control, NRT:negative RT, NTC: no template Control, M: 100bp ladder.

Fig 1
