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FMS-Like Tyrosine Kinase 3 Ligand Treatment Does Not Ameliorate Experimental Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis

Fig 3

FL administered before accelerated autologous phase anti-GBM disease did not protect against nephritis, but altered systemic immunity.

(A) Proteinuria (dotted line represents measured level in non-nephritic WT mice, n = 4). (B) Serum urea (dotted line represents measured level in non-nephritic WT mice, n = 4). (C) Proportions of glomeruli with crescents and (D) glomerular segmental necrosis. (E) Representative images of glomeruli from PBS and FL treated mice taken at high power (400x, PAS stain). (F) Total spleen and LN cell number. (G) Proportion of CD11c+ cells from leukocytes in spleen and LN. (H) Proportion of pDCs in spleen and LN. (I) Serum mouse anti-sheep IgG antibody levels. Black bars represent PBS treated mice. White bars represent FL treated mice. OD, optical density. n = 6 per group. *P<0.05.

Fig 3
