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A Novel Class of Mitochondria-Targeted Soft Electrophiles Modifies Mitochondrial Proteins and Inhibits Mitochondrial Metabolism in Breast Cancer Cells through Redox Mechanisms

Fig 5

Effect of IBTP treatment on mitochondrial respiration of MB231 cells.

Panel A: Cells plated on XF24 plates were treated with the indicated concentrations of IBTP or BTPP for 4h in 0.5% FBS-containing medium. After treatment, the medium was removed and replaced with XF assay medium (DMEM, containing 5mM glucose, 0.5% FBS, 5mM HEPES without bicarbonate) and equilibrated 1h before OCR measurement. Panel B: Cells plated on 6-well plates were treated with the indicated concentrations of IBTP or BTPP for 4h. After the incubation, the cells were harvested immediately by trypsinization. The harvested cells were replated in XF24 plates and allowed adhere for an additional 20h in complete medium containing 10% FBS (total 24h). The medium was removed and replaced with assay medium and equilibrated 1h before OCR measurement. Panel C: After 4h of IBTP or BTPP treatment, the medium was replaced with complete medium containing 10% FBS, and incubated for 48h. The cells were harvested after 48h, replated in XF24 plates and allowed adhere for an additional 20h in complete medium. The medium was replaced with assay media and incubated 1h before measurement of OCR (total duration 72h).

Fig 5
