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Pharmacokinetics and Immunogenicity of Broadly Neutralizing HIV Monoclonal Antibodies in Macaques

Fig 3

Immunogenicity of bnAbs in macaques following two injections two weeks apart.

Plasma samples collected before injection (PB) and at the time indicated from macaques receiving (A) VRC01 (#5191 and #5193) or b12 (#5194 and #5192) and (B) mVRC01 (#5544 and #5545), 10-1074 (#5540 and #5542) and mNIH45–46G54W (#5541 and #5543). Each sample was assayed by ELISA against the injected bnAb and, as a control against, b12 to demonstrate anti-bnAb antibodies.

Fig 3
