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SPARCoC: A New Framework for Molecular Pattern Discovery and Cancer Gene Identification

Fig 3

Comparison of the cluster of Hierarchical clustering (Hclust) versus that of MBI, and the cluster of NMF versus that of MBI.

(a) and (b). Comparison of Kaplan-Meier survival plots based on the unsupervised clusters of Hierarchical clustering (Hclust) and that of MBI, when given the same gene expression matrix M (lung ADCA Canada dataset from Shedden et al. [7]. (a) Kaplan-Meier survival plot based on Hclust. (b) Kaplan-Meier survival plot based on MBI clustering (with leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV) ~99% accuracy). MBI shows a better separation of the aggressive subgroup from the other two subgroups compared with the Hclust Bryant et al. [6]. The p-values are calculated by log-rank test; The LOOCV was done using PAM [18]. (c) and (d). Comparison of Kaplan-Meier survival plots based on the unsupervised clustering of NMF (c) and that of MBI (d), when given the same gene expression matrix M (lung ADCA Canada dataset from Shedden et al. [7]). When given the same gene expression testing data, the survival curves from MBI clustering shows a more significant separation than those from NMF clustering. The p-values are calculated by log-rank test.

Fig 3
