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Inhibition of JNK Aggravates the Recovery of Rat Hearts after Global Ischemia: The Role of Mitochondrial JNK

Figure 4

MAPK activation in heart homogenates.

Representative Western blots (A) and quantitative data of phosphorylated JNK (B), p38 (C), and ERK1/2 (D) were examined by Western blot analysis using phospho-specific antibodies. The data were calculated as the ratio of phosphorylated or total protein levels, and normalized to control for each MAPK. *, #, &, @, +: significantly different from the other indicators (P<0.05). n = 5 for C, n = 8 for IR, n = 8 for IRS, n = 7 for IRSP, and n = 6 for IRSR groups.

Figure 4
