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Elevated Soluble CD163 Plasma Levels Are Associated with Disease Severity in Patients with Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome

Figure 3

The monocyte subset proportions were altered in the HFRS subjects.

A representative example of the monocyte subset analysis procedure is displayed (A, B, and C). (A) Monocytes from the total PBMC population were identified by forward (FSC) and side scatter (SSC) property analysis. (B) The isotypic negative control staining of CD14 and CD16 is displayed. (C) Using surface CD14 and CD16 expression, monocyte gated populations were further divided into three monocyte subsets, which were classic (CD14++CD16−), intermediate (CD14++CD16+) and non-classical monocytes (CD14+CD16++). A summary of the monocyte subset distribution analyses during the acute and convalescent HFRS phases and in the healthy subjects is displayed (D, E, and F). The significance of the differences among the multiple groups was determined by the Kruskal-Wallis test, Black lines represent medians and P values are plotted in each graph.

Figure 3
