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The Positive Regulatory Roles of the TIFY10 Proteins in Plant Responses to Alkaline Stress

Figure 3

The AtTIFY10a/b knockout mutant Arabidopsis showed decreased alkaline tolerance at the seed germination stage.

a. Schematic representation of the AtTIFY10a/b T-DNA insertion mutant lines. The exons and introns of the AtTIFY10a/b genes were showed as boxes and lines, and the T-DNA insertion sites were marked as triangles. b. RT-PCR analyses showing that AtTIFY10a/b did not expressed in the attify10a/b mutants. c. The growth performance of WT, attify10a and attify10b mutant Arabidopsis under alkaline stress. Arabidopsis seeds were germinated and grown on 1/2MS medium at pH5.8 or pH8.5. Photographs were taken 6 days after germination. d. Seed germination rates of WT and mutant lines. Seeds were considered to be germinated when the radicles completely penetrated the seed coats. A total of 90 seeds from each line were used for each experiment. Data are means (±S.E.) of three replicates.

Figure 3
