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GLUT4 Defects in Adipose Tissue Are Early Signs of Metabolic Alterations in Alms1GT/GT, a Mouse Model for Obesity and Insulin Resistance

Figure 2

Adipose tissue characterization in 6 week-old Alms1GT/GT mice.

(a) Weight of subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) tissues of wt (black bars) and Alms1GT/GT (white bars) mice. *p<0.01 wt vs. Alms1GT/GT. (b) Average of 100 adipocyte diameters in SAT and VAT of 6 Alms1GT/GT (white circles) and 6 wt (black circles) expressed as mean values ±SD. *p<0.01 wt vs. mutant animals. (c) A representative H&E staining of adipose tissue depots in Alms1GT/GT and wt mice. Scale bar = 100 µm. (d) Leptin expression in SAT and VAT of 6 wt (black bars) and 6 Alms1GT/GT (white bars) mice. Data are normalized to Rn18s (18S) content and reported as arbitrary unit mean ratio ±SEM. *p<0.05 wt vs. Alms1GT/GT. (e) Circulating plasma leptin in 12 wt (black bars) and 12 Alms1GT/GT (white bars) mice. Data are expressed as mean values ±SEM. (f) mRNA expression of several enzymes involved in different lipogenic pathways in SAT and VAT of 6 wt (black bars) and 6 Alms1GT/GT (white bars) mice (Pck1: Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1, Fasn: Fatty acid synthase, Dgat1: Diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1, Dgat2: Diacylglycerol acyltransferase 2, Lpl: Lipoprotein lipase). Each transcript was normalized to Rn18s content. Results are reported as arbitrary unit mean ratio ±SEM and are expressed as fold change with respect to wt, arbitrarily set as 1 for each transcript. *p<0.05 wt vs. Alms1GT/GT.

Figure 2
