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Fine-Grained, Local Maps and Coarse, Global Representations Support Human Spatial Working Memory

Figure 3

Location-probe displacement affects target recall.

(A) The target was identified by displaying the position of the non-target memory items at recall. The position of the non-target items was either translated obliquely (straight arrows) or rotated around an axis through the display center (curved arrows). (B) Translation of the non-target items, whose direction and magnitude is portrayed by a black arrow of normalized length, caused the recalled target location, portrayed by the red arrow, to be displaced in the same direction, albeit by a smaller magnitude. (C) In contrast, following rotation, the recalled target location was displaced in a direction opposite the one required to preserve the distances between the memory items. For illustrative purposes, the displacement of the non-target memory items is represented by the black line and the average displacement of the target items by the red line.

Figure 3
