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Beta-1 Adrenergic Agonist Treatment Mitigates Negative Changes in Cancellous Bone Microarchitecture and Inhibits Osteocyte Apoptosis during Disuse

Figure 5

Effects of dobutamine (DOB) or vehicle (VEH) administration during hindlimb unloading (HU) or ambulatory cage activity (CC) cancellous bone dynamic histomorphometry analyses measured at the distal femur.

A: Mineralizing Surface (%MS/BS). B: Mineral Apposition Rate (MAR). C: Bone Formation Rate (BFR). VEH groups are represented by black bars; DOB groups are represented by striped bars. aHU+DOB vs. HU+VEH (p≤0.05); bHU+VEH vs. CC+VEH (p≤0.05); cHU+DOB vs. CC+DOB (p≤0.05).

Figure 5
