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Profiling of Luteal Transcriptome during Prostaglandin F2-Alpha Treatment in Buffalo Cows: Analysis of Signaling Pathways Associated with Luteolysis

Figure 3

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) of differentially expressed genes.

(A) The pathway analysis indicated that a large number of differentially expressed genes belong to canonical pathways such as IGF-1 signaling, steroidogenesis, chemokine signaling, prolactin signaling, cellular growth and proliferation, extracellular matrix modulation and apoptosis. The orange line represents score for the likelihood [-log (B-H p<0.05)] that genes belonging to a specific canonical pathway category affected at 3 h post PGF administration. The stacked bars indicate the percentage of genes distributed according to regulation, i.e., green (down), red (up) and open bars (no overlap with dataset) in each canonical pathway. (B) Network 0 vs. 3 h: Ingenuity Pathway Analysis of the differentially regulated genes 3 h post PGF administration shows a network of 21 focus molecules with a score of 48, with top biological functions of cell death, cellular growth and proliferation (immune cells), and cell-to-cell signaling. The network is displayed graphically as nodes (genes/gene products) and edges (biological relationship between nodes). The node color intensity indicates the fold change expression of genes; with red representing up-regulation, and green representing down-regulation of genes between 0 vs. 3 h post PGF administration. The fold change value for individual gene is indicated under each node. The shapes of nodes indicate the functional class of the gene product and the lines indicate the type of interaction.

Figure 3
