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Local-Scale Diversity and Between-Year “Frozen Evolution” of Avian Influenza A Viruses in Nature

Figure 2

Segment identity matrix (SIM).

The SIM was generated by plotting the influenza A virus (IAV) genomes against each other, with the relationships between the segments derived from the phylogenetic trees (Figure 1a–j) highlighted with colored pixels. The virus nomenclature corresponds to that in Table 1. The deduced genome constellations in the SIM were represented by columns 1–13 and the pixels within the columns were aligned according to the conventional listing of the IAV genome segments (from left to right: PB2, PB1, PA, HA, NP, NA, MP, and NS). The color scheme for the segments is given at the bottom of the figure and corresponds to the tables S3 in File S1. Empty pixels mean unknown or undetermined. Figures: 2a, the entire SIM; 2b overview of the genomic diversity of locality P IAV. For information regarding the Figures 2c-f please refer to the text.

Figure 2
