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A Clinical Study of Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica: Findings from a Large Chinese Cohort

Figure 1

Characteristic bronchoscopic manifestations of TO.

(A) Stage I: Scattered plaque-like inflammatory infiltrations of yellow-whitish soft lesions distributed overlying the mucosa of the lumen, accompanied with the change of mucosa hyperemia edema. (B) Stage II: Numerous dispersed or diffuse existence of both sessile spicules and cartilaginous nodules projecting into the lumen with a typical “cobblestone or stalactitic cave” visualization. (C) Stage III: A deformed, rigid and narrow feature of the airway, causing airway narrowness even obstruction. (B’) The same patient with Fig. 1B: The number of diffuse cartilaginous nodules decreased after one year treatment with inhaled budesonide.

Figure 1
