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Assessing Postzygotic Isolation Using Zygotic Disequilibria in Natural Hybrid Zones

Figure 6

Effects of linkage distance on the maximum or minimum zygotic LDs and the maximum composite digenic LD in an ecological zone: a. the maximum or minimum LDs at the left side (x<0); b. the allele frequencies at the positions of the maximum or minimum LDs at the left side (x<0); c. the maximum or minimum LDs at the right side (x>0); d. the allele frequencies at the positions of the maximum or minimum LDs at the right side (x>0).

Results are obtained from the analytical model. Parameters are the migration rate of pollen = 0.02 and seeds = 0.01, the relative selection intensity = 1.0, and the selection coefficient s1 = s2 = 0.02.

Figure 6
