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Computational Model of Erratic Arrhythmias in a Cardiac Cell Network: The Role of Gap Junctions

Figure 4

Our model suggests that all kinds of arrhythmia can be explained by dynamical fluctuations of the gap junctions.

A) (top to bottom) isolated arrhythmia, trigeminy complex, bigeminy complex, couplet, triplet, short runs of tachyarrhythmias followed by a bigeminism; compare all panels with those in Fig. 2; B) 25 sec simulation exhibiting different types of arrhythmic behavior. In all cases, red markers highlight abnormal sequences (see Table 1); traces represent the membrane potential of cell(25,100), from simulations with the following average gap junction conductance and variance: (4.7, 0.3) iPVB, (4.9, 0.3) trigeminy, bigeminy, and triplet, (4.7, 0.6) couplet, (4.7, 0.8) VT.

Figure 4
