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In Candida parapsilosis the ATC1 Gene Encodes for an Acid Trehalase Involved in Trehalose Hydrolysis, Stress Resistance and Virulence

Figure 6

Level of cell survival after different stress treatments in C. parapsilosis strains.

YPD-grown cultures of exponential C. parapsilosis wild type (WT), its isogenic mutant (KO), deficient in CpATC1 gene, and the reintegrant (RE) strains were adjusted to a cell density of 1.0×106 cells/ml and subjected to the following stress challenges for 1h: 5 mM H202, 50 mM H202, 1.2 M NaCl or 42°C. Identical, untreated samples were maintained at 30°C as a control. Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of one representative experiment of two performed in triplicate. Student t-test: *P<0.05; **P<0.01 between WT and RE or KO strains.

Figure 6
