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Recombinant TLR5 Agonist CBLB502 Promotes NK Cell-Mediated Anti-CMV Immunity in Mice

Figure 7

rFlagellin treatment enhanced maturation and increased expression of Ly49H on NK cells after mCMV infection.

Harvested splenocytes on day 3 after mCMV infection from rflagellin- and PBS-treated control mice were stained with mAbs to NK1.1, CD27, CD11b along with Ly49H as described in Materials and Methods. A. FACS plots of % CD3-NK1.1+ NK cells of lymphocyte-gated populations. B. % Ly49H expressed by NK cells. C. CD11b−CD27−(DN), CD11b−CD27+, CD11b+CD27+ (DP) and CD11b+CD27− NK cell populations. D. Ly49H+ NK cells of 4 subsets gated populations described in C. E. The total numbers of Ly49H+ NK cells and all 4 subsets of NK cells (as described in D) per spleen expressed Ly49H on day 3 after mCMV infection. The “*” represents p value<0.05, Student's T-test. 5 mice were used per group.

Figure 7
