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Recombinant TLR5 Agonist CBLB502 Promotes NK Cell-Mediated Anti-CMV Immunity in Mice

Figure 3

NK cells are required to induce enhanced early anti-mCMV immunity in rflagellin-treated mice.

A). Experimental design of anti-asialo GM1 administration in WT B6 mice to deplete NK cells in vivo. Reconstituted anti-asialo GM1 in PBS and 0.5 ml was injected i.p to B6 mice on −4, −3 and −1 days of mCMV infection as described in Materials and Methods. Control WT B6 mice were injected with 0.5 ml PBS. 25 µg rflagellin was injected per mouse i.p 48 hours before mCMV infection in anti-asialo GM1-treated and or PBS treated WT B6 mice. All groups of treated mice were infected with a lethal dose (5×105 pfu/mouse) of mCMV i.p on day 0. B). Survival data were recorded by observing mice every day or mice were euthanized having weight loss >25% following mCMV infection and percent survived mice of each group are presented. This experiments was performed once using 8 to 10 mice per group. The symbol “**”represents the p value<0.005, Log Rank Test (Kaplan-Meier estimator).

Figure 3
