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A Non-Climacteric Fruit Gene CaMADS-RIN Regulates Fruit Ripening and Ethylene Biosynthesis in Climacteric Fruit

Figure 3

Carotenoid accumulation and carotenoid biosynthesis genes expression in CaMADS-RIN overexpressed rin and control fruits.

(a). Analysis of carotenoid accumulation at B, B+4 and B+7 fruits of transgenic lines (ov-01 and ov-03), rin and wild type. Standard error is indicated for a minimum of three fruits per sample. (b). Expression of PSY1 in B, B+4 and B+7 fruits of transgenic lines (ov-01 and ov-03), rin and wild type. (c). Expression of ZDS in B, B+4 and B+7 fruits of transgenic lines (ov-01 and ov-03), rin and wild type. (d). Expression of PDS in B, B+4 and B+7 fruits of transgenic lines (ov-01 and ov-03), rin and wild type.

Figure 3
