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Transcriptome Profiling and Physiological Studies Reveal a Major Role for Aromatic Amino Acids in Mercury Stress Tolerance in Rice Seedlings

Figure 2

Comparative analysis of genes regulated by short- and long-term Hg exposure and encoding (A) receptor-like kinases (RLKs) and (B) transcription factors (TFs).

In each functional category, the genes are grouped according to their regulation by short- or long-term Hg stress. In each protein kinase or TF family, light and dark orange bars represent the proportion of upregulated short- and long-term Hg-regulated genes (fold change ≥2; false discovery rate <0.05), respectively. Black bars indicate the proportion of genes per kinase or TF categories to total number of TFs or kinases in the genome. Fisher’s exact test was used to assess the significance of overrepresented protein kinase and transcription-factor families. Asterisks indicate families significantly overrepresented in the response group (P<0.05).

Figure 2
