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An Alternative Chemical Redox Method for the Production of Bispecific Antibodies: Implication in Rapid Detection of Food Borne Pathogens

Figure 9

Bispecific antibody mediated haemagglutination.

mBsAb (A) as well as pBsAb (B) rendered agglutination of RBCs and Listeria cells on a glass slide. A given volume (50 μl of 200 ng/ml) of BsAb specific against both RBCs and Listeria cell surface Ag was mixed with Listeria cells-negative (Aa, Ba) or Listeria cells-positive (Ab, Bb). After 1 hr of incubation, the RBC agglutination results were observed under a microscope (right panel; magnification, 20X). At least three independent experiments were performed for each sample and data are representative of three independent experiments with similar observations.

Figure 9
