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Alteration of Daily and Circadian Rhythms following Dopamine Depletion in MPTP Treated Non-Human Primates

Figure 7

The orexinergic system in the lateral hypothalamic area and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) containing neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) are not affected after MPTP treatment.

Example section in the hypothalamic SCN illustrating staining of VIP immunopositive neurons in a control (A) and an MPTP-treated animal (B). Scale bar = 100 µm. Example sections of orexin-A immunopositive neurons in the lateral hypothalamus of a control (C, E) and MPTP-treated animal (D, F). The regions indicated dashed square in C and D are shown at higher magnification in E and F. (G) There was no significant difference in the number of orexin expressing neurons between control (n = 1) and MPTP-treated animals (n = 3). All orexin-A expressing neurons in the hypothalamus were counted on 5–7 sections per animal (distance between sections 150–200 µm). Scale bar: C, D = 200 µm, E, F = 100 µm. LH = Lateral hypothalamus; Fx = Fornix; 3V = Third ventricle.

Figure 7
