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The Interaction of the Atm Genotype with Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

Figure 7

LPS-induced inflammation stimulated nuclear accumulation of HDAC4 in both wild type and Atm−/− mice.

The representative pictures from each group (n = 3) were shown. No expression of nuclear HDAC4 was observed in Atm+/+ mice (A) but was found in Atm−/− mice (C). After LPS treatment, HDAC4 expression translocated into the nucleus of Atm−/− Purkinje cells (D) but wild type Purkinje cells (B). White arrows indicate the examples of nuclear HDAC4 in Purkinje cells. One example (white arrow head) is enlarged to show the red fluorescence in the nucleus (D, inset). Scale bar = 50 µm.

Figure 7
