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Histopathological Analysis of Salmonella Chronic Carriage in the Mouse Hepatopancreatobiliary System

Figure 5

Chronic cholecystitis occurs as a result of both gallstone disease and Salmonella carriage.

(A) Inflammation grades in the gallbladder at all time points post-infection (± bacteria, ± gallstones). Means of each time point values were compared by a Student’s t test. No statistical significant difference was observed between values of each time point (p<0.5). (B) Representative HE images of each group at 3 and 9 months post-infection. B1 has an inflammation score of 0; B2, B3, B5 and B6 have a inflammation score of 2; whereas B4 has a score of 3. Hyperplasia was only evident in mice harboring gallstones and with concurrent epithelial hyalinosis (*) (B2, B5 and B6). Black arrows indicate scattered inflammatory cells within the lamina propria and muscularis, they were mainly composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells and fewer neutrophils. 40x.

Figure 5
