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Apoptosis Repressor with a CARD Domain (ARC) Restrains Bax-Mediated Pathogenesis in Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle

Figure 3

Nol3-/-Lama2-/- mice have smaller skeletal muscles and more severe pathology.

A, Muscle weights normalized to tibial length of gastrocnemius and quadriceps measured from WT, Nol3-/-, Lama2-/-, and Nol3-/-Lama2-/- mice. *P<0.05 vs WT; #P<0.05 vs Lama2-/-; N=9 per group. B, Histological images taken at 200x of Masson’s trichrome stained sections of gastrocnemius, quadriceps and diaphragm from Lama2-/- and Nol3-/-Lama2-/- mice.

Figure 3
