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Inhibition of GSK-3β Rescues the Impairments in Bone Formation and Mechanical Properties Associated with Fracture Healing in Osteoblast Selective Connexin 43 Deficient Mice

Figure 1

Delayed osteoblast maturation and bone formation in Cx43cKO fractures.

[A] Expression of Gja1, Col1a1, osteocalcin and Bmp2 in the fracture callus of WT and Cx43cKO mice between 3 and 28 days post-fracture. RNA was extracted from the fracture callus and pooled from 3 specimens/ genotype/ time-point. (*) indicates p<0.05 between genotypes at a given time-point. [B] Dynamic histomorphometry analysis of WT and Cx43cKO fractures between 14-35 days. Specimens were labeled with Calcein and Alizarin Red, with a 7-day labeling period and Mineral Apposition Rate (MAR), Bone Formation Rate (BFR/BS) and Mineralizing surface/ bone surface (MS/BS) were calculated. (*) indicates p<0.05, N=3-5 specimens/ genotype/ time-point. Representative images of WT and Cx43cKO fractures labeled with Calcein (green) and Alizarin Red (red) and harvested at day 35 post-fracture. Yellow line corresponds to the perimeter of the callus. [C] Bone volume/ total volume (BV/TV) of WT and Cx43cKO fractures between 14-35 days. (*) indicates p<0.05 between WT and Cx43cKO fractures at a given time-point.

Figure 1
