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Proteasome, but Not Autophagy, Disruption Results in Severe Eye and Wing Dysmorphia: A Subunit- and Regulator-Dependent Process in Drosophila

Figure 2

The structural integrity of 20S proteasome core particle is critically implicated in Drosophila eye morphogenesis.

Stereo-microscopical (a, e and i), Optical (d, h and l {semi-thin sections}) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) (b, c, f, g, j and k) images, revealing the damaged architectural pattern of fly eye in 20S proteasome deficient environments (arrow). (a–d) GAL4-ninaE.GMR/UAS-alpha5_RNAi double transgenic fly eyes, carrying reduced α5 protein levels. (e–h) GAL4-ninaE.GMR/UAS-dbeta5_RNAi double transgenic fly eyes, characterized by downregulated β5 proteasome core protein expression levels. (i–l) GAL4-ninaE.GMR/UAS-beta6_RNAi double transgenic flies, producing eyes with decreased β6 cellular contents. Dashed circle: ommatidium. Scale Bars: 50 µm.

Figure 2
