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Short and Long Term Outcome of Bilateral Pallidal Stimulation in Chorea-Acanthocytosis

Figure 1

Effect of deep brain stimulation on motor impairment as assessed by the Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale-Motor Score (UHDRS-MS).

Bar histograms (panel A) represent means ± SEM (n= 11 patients). Line plots (panels B, C) show individual values per patient plotted at each of three time points: 2-6 months preoperatively (PREOP), 1-5 months postoperatively (early post-operative: EPOP), and 6 months or more after surgery (last outcome reporting: LOR). Individual data curves are shown in panel B, whereas panel C depicts percentage changes at EPOP and LOR with PREOP values set to 100% to make improvements and deteriorations easier to distinguish. Scores of patient 7 correspond to the Burke-Fahn-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale-Motor part (BFMDRS-M) [16]. **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 versus PREOP time point (Bonferroni test after ANOVA: F(2, 20)= 15.11, p< 0.001, n= 11).

Figure 1
