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Alteration of Innate Immunity by Donor IL-6 Deficiency in a Presensitized Heart Transplant Model

Figure 2

Kaplan-Meier cardiac graft survival curve.

Heterotopic abdominal heart transplantation was performed by using standard procedure. All transplanted mice were monitored every day until graft rejection, defined as the cessation of palpable cardiac activity. Although only three symbols of “triangle” are observed for group (WT B6B/c), two grafts survived for 7 days and two grafts survived for 8 days. It implies that each “triangle” on day 7 (60% remained to survive on day 7) and day 8 (20% remained to survive on day 8) represents two grafts. Graft survival of the allogeneic control group (C57BL/6BALB/c, n=5) is equivalent to IL-6 deficiency donor graft (IL-6KOBALB/c) treated with anti-CD25 mAb (n=5) (Mantel-Cox Test, p=0.17; Gehan-Breslow-Wilcoxon Test, p=0.28), whereas IL-6 deficiency donor graft survival (IL-6KOBALB/c) treated with iso-IgG (n=5) was significantly prolonged (Mantel-Cox Test, p=0.012; Gehan-Breslow-Wilcoxon Test, p=0.0031) in comparison to allogeneic control group.

Figure 2
