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A Microliter-Scale High-throughput Screening System with Quantum-Dot Nanoprobes for Amyloid-β Aggregation Inhibitors

Figure 3

Correlation between Aβ aggregation and variations of fluorescence intensity.

(A) Magnified images of center region (100 × 100 pixel) in fluorescence micrographs of QDAβ- Aβ42 coaggregates before (left) and after (right) incubation (Figure 1B). (B) Schematic illustrations of the distribution of QDAβ (red) and Aβ42 (gray) molecules before (left) and after (right) incubation of samples. QDAβ molecules are diffused in the sample solution before incubation (left), and QDAβ molecules are inserted in Aβ42 fibrils after incubation (right). (C) The histograms of fluorescence intensities of 10,000 pixels (100 × 100 pixel) before (left) and after (right) incubation of samples.

Figure 3
