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A Mid-Life Vitamin A Supplementation Prevents Age-Related Spatial Memory Deficits and Hippocampal Neurogenesis Alterations through CRABP-I

Figure 3

Effects of aging and a mid-life vitamin A supplementation on the number of Ki67-IR and DCX-IR cells.

Images show the immunoperoxidase staining of (A) Ki67-IR and (B) DCX-IR cells in the DG granule cell layer of young and aged rats. The graphs indicate the strong reduction of the number of Ki67-IR and DCX-IR cells in aged rats. Vitamin A supplementation does not affect cell proliferation nor the number of immature neurons in aged rats. Significant p values after Bonferroni correction for pairwise comparisons (level α = 0.025; ***p<0.001). Scale bar : 50 µm. GCL = granule cell layer.

Figure 3
