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Protection of Radiation-Induced Damage to the Hematopoietic System, Small Intestine and Salivary Glands in Rats by JNJ7777120 Compound, a Histamine H4 Ligand

Figure 1

Effect of JNJ7777120 on radiation-induced cytotoxic and genotoxic damage of rat small intestine.

(A) Representative pictures of (a,e) Normal histological appearance of untreated and (b,f) JNJ7777120-treated small intestine. (c,g) Intestine of irradiated rats displaying reduction in the number of crypts (arrow) with decreased goblet cells (g), villous edema (arrow head) and severe edema in serosa ([, c). (d,h) Intestine of JNJ7777120-treated and irradiated animals showing preservation of the mucosa, absence of vascular damage and an increased number of crypts (d) with restored presence of goblet cells (h). (a–d) H&E staining. (e–h) PAS staining. (i) Occasional TUNEL-positive cells in crypts in untreated and (j) JNJ777120-treated rats. (k) Massive presence of TUNEL-positive cells in crypts of irradiated rats. (l) Significant reduction of TUNEL-positive cells in crypts of treated and irradiated rats. Arrow head indicate positive cells. (m–p) Similar PCNA immunoreactivity in crypts from all groups. Pictures were taken at 630x-fold magnification. Scale bar= 20 µm. (B) Histopathological characteristics and average number of apoptotic cells and micronucleus in small intestine. §The number of TUNEL positive cells per crypt are expressed as means ± SEM. <The number of micronuclei per 100 cells are expressed as means ± SEM. *P<0.05 vs. Untreated; # P<0.05 vs. Untreated-5Gy.

Figure 1
