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Development of Foreign Mammary Epithelial Morphology in the Stroma of Immunodeficient Mice

Figure 4

Co-transplantation of mouse and bovine epithelial cells rarely produces a chimeric outgrowth in the mouse.

A: Frequency of outgrowths with mouse and bovine characteristics developed in the cleared mouse mammary fat pad. Outgrowths with ductal elongations and outgrowths with detectable DNA levels of the bovine-specific BLG sequences were monitored in fat pads transplanted with a range of bovine-to-mouse cell ratios. B, C: Low and high magnification, respectively, of Carmine-stained outgrowths developed from mouse and bovine MECs, co-transplanted at a ratio of 10:10. Region of spherical outgrowths is outlined in dashed line. Ductal protrusion is marked with arrowhead. Bar = 1 mm. D: Number of BLG-positive outgrowths developed in distinctly spherical and ductal outgrowth regions (n = 14 for each group).

Figure 4
