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The Influence of Ectopic Migration of Granule Cells into the Hilus on Dentate Gyrus-CA3 Function

Figure 10

Effects of hEGCs on pattern separation in CA3.

A. The effects of perforant path input patterns on CA3 pyramidal cell firing was tested in the three models. Increasing the number of input patterns increased the firing of pyramidal cells in the Standard and Intermediate models, but there was a normalization of firing in the New model with hEGCs. B. Experiments analogous to those in Figure 9B were conducted but the CA3 module was assessed instead of the DG module. In the Standard and Intermediate models, there was an increase in pattern separation of CA3 as the number of input patterns increased. However, as the number of input patterns increased, pattern separation by the New model was severely impaired.

Figure 10
