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A Novel Whole-Cell Mechanism for Long-Term Memory Enhancement

Figure 2

In a sub-group of cells from trained rats' amplitudes of all excitatory miniature events is doubled.

A. Each cell was plotted as a function of its averaged event amplitude and standard deviation. Few cells from trained-group had exceptionally large averaged amplitudes and Standard-deviations. Using hierarchical clustering analysis the cells were divided to two groups (separated by the dotted line). B. The averaged amplitude of the greatly-enhanced-trained-group only is doubled to a value that is significantly higher than that observed for the three other represented sub-groups. Note that while the average amplitude of the moderately enhanced group is significantly lower than that of the greatly enhanced group, it is still higher that the averaged amplitude of the pseudo trained group. Values represent mean ± SE (**, p<0.01 ***, p<0.001). C. The standard deviation of the greatly-enhanced-trained-group is also doubled, compared to the other three sub-groups, which have all similar values. Values represent mean ± SE, (***, p<0.001). D. The distribution curve describing the trained neurons can be constructed from the events amplitudes of the pseudo-trained neurons. The expected curve (black) calculated from pseudo events (green) overlaps (r = 0.96) the trained distribution curve (blue). E. The distribution curve describing the greatly-enhanced trained neurons can be constructed from the events amplitudes of the large pseudo-trained neurons. The expected curve (black) calculated from events of the 4 biggest cells in the pseudo group (green) is similar to the averaged distribution curve of the greatly-enhanced-trained group (blue). (r = 0.73, both in D and in E only amplitudes >7pA were used, since at lower amplitudes, multiplication factors bigger than two requires unavailable data in amplitudes <3pA, see Methods).

Figure 2
